Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tis The Season for Outside Decs!

Merry Christmas everyone!  Now that holiday season is upon us many people have taken to the outdoors and decorated their homes.  If you are like me, as you drive the neighborhoods you crane your neck to check them out.  Some good...some bad..some awful and some way too much.  So I thought I would list my do's and dont's of outdoor Christmas lights.

First of all the big bulbs are slowly becoming a thing of the past.  But man are they a classic.  Big hot bulbs that melt tinsel!  Random blinkers!  They are truly a classic, but you have to know how to use them.  On the other hand there are the little lights.  These too, if done properly, can be a wonderful display for the home. 

Color or white?  Again, its a personal preference.  Color lights gives you that soft glow and warm feeling.  The white lights give you that classy look. 

DON'T miss match your lights!  I have seen homes with color lights here...white lights there....all red on this tree...all green on this one...brutal.  Stick with one or the other.  Go all white and you can't go wrong, or can you.  I saw a house that had all white lights.  Okay looks good, but its the old school little lights that when blinks the whole string goes out!!  So you have random strings going on and off and sometimes the whole house goes out!!  What's up with that!?  If you go with white lights just stick with solid on lights.  Like this lovely house that shows some class with an added touch of the candle lights in the windows.

Now if you go color, stick with the same multi color lights.  Some strings of lights have different shades of the color and could look silly.  Then there are some people that chose to create a Lights Before Christmas feel to their home.  Such as this picture of both front and back yards, with penguins fishing and Christmas trees that flash to the music.  For me its a little much, but fun to look at and watch.

Here's a DO.  Stay uniform.  Dont' have icicles on one side..simple strand on lights on a tree and some random white spiral trees and reindeer, plus some other things in windows.

The Christmas tree in the window is always always a great addition to the view outside.  Whether its white lights or multicolor its always a classy, warm look.  In fact I saw a house that all they had was their multicolor tree in the window and the rest of the house dark, no outdoor lights and it looked great. 

And for god sakes can we please end the blow up decorations in the yards!  First of all, during the day they are nothing but a deflated crumpled up mess.  And when they are blown up the never stand up right.  Some have a "Detroit lean" others completely on its back, like this picture of a reindeer with legs in the air.  Obscene actually. 

I have seen Santa on a Harley blow up, giant Tiggers, a Santa in a bed, and a giant Christmas train.  STOP IT! 

With that being said, decorate how ever you want.  It makes it fun to drive around and see all the various combinations and crazy decorations out there. 

Have a wonderful Christmas Season everyone!  Happy Holidays!

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