Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ranking of Star Wars Lightsaber Battles

Nerd Alert!! 
Yep that's right.  Here is my ranking of the lightsaber battles in all of the Star Wars' 6 movies.  Was just thinking about them and how I would rank them.  Might find some of this a surprise....
11. Yoda vs. Dooku - At the end of Attack of the Clones its our first look at that cute little green guy and how bad ass he was before he got soft on Dagobah.  This one was a little comical with Yoda flipping and flopping all over the place.  Dooku really was lame when its all said and done.  Not even a Sith.
10. Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan Kenobi - In the very first film, our first ever exposure to lightsaber battles.  Well after the next 5 movies, this one doesn't even compare.  "Your powers are weak old man"  You ain't kidding!  Man they have gotten slow in their old age!
9. Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan vs. Dooku II - This battle in the movie Revenge of the Sith, was a quick one, and Obi-Wan was about as useful as he was in the first battle.  Best part of this battle was Palpatine telling Anakin to kill Dooku, "Kill him now."  Very Emperor like from Revenge of Jedi. 
8. Anakin & Obi-Wan vs. Dooku I - The speed was so fast in the newer 3 movies.  Dooku talking during battle was better and reminds me of the older movies with Darth Vader, always trying to use the dark side.  Great affect when Anakin cuts the lights out and the illumination of both of the lightsabers in battle.
7. Mace Windu vs. Palpatine - Windu totally had Palpatine defeated, or did he?  It appeared it was all in his plan.  Would have liked to see more of a battle between Anakin and Windu, but just a quick lopping off of the arm and Palpatine sending Windu off with a bolt of electricity ended it.
6. General Grievous vs Obi-Wan - Truly one of the most unique characters every to wield a lightsaber, General Grievous should have been a more difficult opponent for Obi-Wan.  The multiple lightsabers was truly bad ass, but Obi-Wan cuts two of them off way to early in the battle, which ends with a blaster shot to Grievous' "heart".
5. Yoda vs. Darth Sidus - Palpatine's transformation is complete as he is now Darth Sidus or the Emperor as we knew him in Empire and Revenge of Jedi.  While I ripped on Yoda in his battle vs. Dooku, I thought this one was less ridiculous.  Them rising up into the concil arena was pretty impressive. 
4. Obi-Wan vs. Anakin/Darth Vader - A great, long battle.  Amazing how fast they are compared to how they fought in Star Wars A New Hope. Some of the hoping and running on that stuff that was falling into the lava was a bit much, but overall the complete transformation of Anakin to the Dark Side in this and the hate he has in his eyes, ending with Obi-Wan cutting off his legs to let him lay their and burn. Way to NOT put him out of his misery Obi-Wan!
3. Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader I - In Empire Strikes Back (still my favorite of the six), while this battle didn't have the flash and speed and moves of the others after it, it was more ominous.  Darth Vader's presence is so dark and powerful and you can see the fear in Luke's eyes as they begin.  Love Darth talking throughout the battle trying to turn Luke.  "If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!"  Chill Factor: When Darth Vader tells Luke "I am your father" 
2. Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader II - Return of the Jedi.  The prelude to this fight with the Emperor is great as he continues to attempt to get Luke to "Strike me down with all of your anger and your hatred"  In this one Luke truly has come a long way from his first battle vs. Darth Vader and really has him defeated, until he realizes what he is doing.  Chill Factor: When Darth Vader discovers that Luke has a twin sister and "If you will not turn to the Dark Side, perhaps she will" and Luke yells "Noooo!" and just unleashes on Vader, with the music going...chills everytime.
1. Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan and Qui Gon - In probably the lamest movies of the the 6, this one was the best lightsaber battle.  From the very beginning when the door opens and there stands Darth Maul and then the music hits.  Probably the best musical score next to the Imperial March.  The speed of this battle was tremendous.  The unique dual sided lightsaber.  The silent Darth Maul.  Darth Maul pacing when the force fields go up while Qui Gon sits and meditates.  And after Darth Maul dispenses Qui Gon, the battle between just Maul and Obi-Wan is so fierce and fast.  Chill Factor: The music when the doors open, and through out the battle.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty awesome ranking lol. I definitely agree with 1 and 2. The double sided lightsaber was sweet. Gotta move the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight up to 3 though. That was definitely an epic fight. I liked the Yoda/Dooku fight a little more than you did since Dooku had just easily dispatched Obi-Wan and Anakin (with 2 lightsabers). I thought of Yoda as using the force to help flip around lol.

