39. Over the Hills and Far Away - Houses of the Holy - A very well put together song...something that LZ has done in several songs with the acoustic feel in the beginning and then rocking out hard! Jimmy leads off with brilliant guitar play, then leads into the Bonzo and Jonsey rocking out and Plant belting out the lyrics.
38. Boogie with Stu - Physical Graffiti - A very unique tune with Ian Stewart on the piano who was the Stones road manager and piano player (thus Stu was Stewart), Jimmy played mandolin while Plant chimed in with some amazing lyrics. Just a fun song.
37. Rock and Roll - LZ4 - Since its release in 1971 Bonzo's opening drums has become one of the most popular openings of any rock song of all time. And since its release tours that followed traditionally opened with this song. Just gets you moving between Bonzo's beat, Jonsey's bass slapping and Pagey's dancing guitar notes. Plant again amazes as well..."Been a long time since I rock and rolled!"
36. Gallows Pole - LZ3 - Along the theme of LZ3, acoustic play around a fire, this one is a entertaining and rather dark song. A song about keeping someone from the gallows pole (where they used to hang people from). Pagey and Jonsey compliment each other great with guitar, mandolin and bass all mixed together. Bonzo kicks in to get it all going....but nothing to keep that man from the gallows pole, no silver, gold, or sisters!
35. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - LZ1 - Zeppelin's musical influences were deep in the roots of the blues. And this song truly was a classic. Just a great song of guitar mixes and just raw folk and blues notes. I can just see Jimmy's fingers flying on that guitar. And Plant singing "Don't you hearing it calling me the way it use to do?"
34. Ramble On - LZ2 - Lots of us can relate to this and it has so many great lyrics in it. If not to just say you have to ramble on with your life, go around the world , gotta find my girl. You can really hear Jones play the bass in this one. And shows the bands influence of the Lord of the Rings books. My favorite line: "And tho' our health we drank a thousand times...It's time to ramble on"
33. Heartbreaker - LZ2 - Great guitar riff on this one by Pagey. Great words written by Plant too. "Heartbreaker you time has come!" Everyone rocks out this tune. Bonzo is crisp and Jones is a master on the bass. Pagey on the solo is amazing as always. Truly one of the heaviest songs they ever put out.

31. Bring it on Home - LZ2 - What a bluesy beginning to this hit with Plant on the harmonics and Jonesy laying down a mean bass line. Then get out of the way! Pagey kills it on the guitar and Bonzo bashes his way through the song, until it ends like it began.
Wow some real gems here! Not sure what's left to get to the top...