50. Black Mountain Side - LZ1 - A great piece of Jimmy on the acoustic guitars with Bonzo playing the bongos. Early signs of Pagey's amazing guitar playing skills as well as his mixing abilities.
49. Four Sticks - LZ4 - A powerful cord where John Bonham actually does play with four sticks! Plant hitting so many high notes as always. Sounds like they are playing in some great hall.
48. Misty Mountain Hop - LZ4 - Jonesy playing the keys opening the song up with Bonzo coming in beating the skins just sets the song up to be yet another heavy Zep song. Can't help but groove with this tune. "I really don't know know know know..."
47. Thank You - LZ2 - Truly Led Zeppelin's version of a long song. Jonesy on the organ. Plants throaty voice almost whispering the lyrics to his love.
46. The Rover - Physical Graffiti - "If we could just join hands, if we could just join hands, if we could just join!" Plant totally nails this one. "Do it!" Bonzo dominates the intro with his drum play. Jonesy real strong on the bass and Jimmy's solo, while short still great!
45. All of My Love - ITOD - Again, the 80s are coming as Jonesy gets the synthesizer is rocking. A classic love tune for Led Zeppelin. Page clearly showing some signs of years of drug use.
44. Good Times Bad Times - LZ1 - Welcome to the scene Led Zeppelin! The very first track on the first album brought LZ in with a thunderous boom! This is a heavy jam. You can really hear it all in this song..the strong guitar of Pagey which certainly has that late 60s sound. Bonham truly smashing the drums. Jonesy slapping the bass.
43. Black Dog - LZ4 - Truly a classic and well played song on the radio. The guitar on this one sounds great and you can tell Pagey has mixed his play together on this. Great beat between Bonzo and Jonsey.

42. Traveling Riverside Blues - Bside - Was released on the Box Sets of Led Zeppelin as well as the BBC sessions. Great beginning with Pagey on the slide guitar. The blues truly the roots of Zep's music. "Squeeze my lemon till the juice runs down my leg"
41. Baby Come on Home - Bside - Yet another blues song that was recorded during the LZ1 sessions but then not released until much later on the box sets. Organs and bluesy guitar riffs dominate this song with Plant's voice very powerful in this one.
Lol.. the Rover..reminds me of jamming PG in the Iroc K cruzing Laskey, or was that "other Laskey" lol!