29. I'm Gonna Crawl - In Through the Out Door - Just knowing that this is the last song on the very last album they recorded before John Bonham's death gives me chills every time I hear it. Truly a perfect ending to their career as they get back to the blues on this one. Page nails one more bluesy guitar riff. Plant at the end, screaming out...wow!
28. Custard Pie - Physical Graffiti - What do you think this song is really about?? "your custard pie...so sweet and nice" Some how coming from this band its not about a desert. This song really sets the ton for the first Album of Physical Graffiti, pure rock and roll. Jonesy a unique sound playing the electric clavinet.
27. When The Levee Breaks - LZ4 - Heads up as the beginning of this song features Bonham mashing his drums! Great sound as his drums were recorded in a stairwell with the mics 3 stories up, giving the echoing feeling. This song is just one big crazy mix that comes together masterfully thanks to the wizardry mixing of one Jimmy Page.
26. Trampled Under Foot - Physical Graffiti - Powerful song about comparing making love to the parts of an automobile. Plant in full throat on this one while Jonesy again hits the organ. Bonzo hammering his drums once again for a great foot tapping beat.
25. Dazed And Confused - LZ1 - The unmistakable opening bass notes by Jonesy begins the journey of a dark and demented song with some of the most amazing guitar riffs and solos. Plant has that deep scream going on this one. While only 6:28 long on the album, this song was clearly the marathon live reaching up to 30 minutes long. Pagey bringing out the bow to create some of the most creepy sounds to ever come out of a guitar.
24. In The Light - Physical Graffiti - Amazing intro to this song with John Paul Jones on the synthesizer, very erry. Then Plant comes in almost chanting the words. When the it finally takes off into the song, Bonzo plays hard, methodical and deliberate. "In the light..everyone needs a light" Truly a beautiful song.
23. Down By The Seaside - Physical Graffiti - The second album of Graffiti certainly had a different feel with some acoustic jams. This one is perfect for being on the water with fine libation and cigar. Has somewhat of a country feel with that slide guitar Jimmy plays, but overall just a completely relaxing song. Not surprising this was written at Bron-yr-Aur but never made it to release until 5 years later on Graffiti

22. Going To California - LZ4 - How I have this song so low is beyond me! Truly a theme song of mine for a very long time with many trips west. Just a great piece with Page and Jones on the acoustic guitars and mandolins. Plant is flawless. This song was also showcased in their acoustic sets live. I can't even highlight my favorite line in the song...then entire set of lyrics is amazing.
21. Bron-Yr-Aur - Physical Graffiti - Just a short song of Jimmy's mixed acoustic guitar playing. But there is something about it that touches me. Jimmy Page was a master on the guitar and you can just hear it on this piece. Plus those of you familiar with the movie Song Remains The Same you know this song in the beginning as they are being driven to the the stadium as Plant squints as the sun light hits his face through the limo.
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