40. Communication Breakdown - LZ1 - Could be the song that gave Zeppelin the tag of "Heavy Metal". Truly had a rhythmic heavy metal feel with the guitars and the pounding drums. Plant truly light years ahead over others with the way he can scream those notes.
39. Over the Hills and Far Away - Houses of the Holy - A very well put together song...something that LZ has done in several songs with the acoustic feel in the beginning and then rocking out hard! Jimmy leads off with brilliant guitar play, then leads into the Bonzo and Jonsey rocking out and Plant belting out the lyrics.
38. Boogie with Stu - Physical Graffiti - A very unique tune with Ian Stewart on the piano who was the Stones road manager and piano player (thus Stu was Stewart), Jimmy played mandolin while Plant chimed in with some amazing lyrics. Just a fun song.
37. Rock and Roll - LZ4 - Since its release in 1971 Bonzo's opening drums has become one of the most popular openings of any rock song of all time. And since its release tours that followed traditionally opened with this song. Just gets you moving between Bonzo's beat, Jonsey's bass slapping and Pagey's dancing guitar notes. Plant again amazes as well..."Been a long time since I rock and rolled!"
36. Gallows Pole - LZ3 - Along the theme of LZ3, acoustic play around a fire, this one is a entertaining and rather dark song. A song about keeping someone from the gallows pole (where they used to hang people from). Pagey and Jonsey compliment each other great with guitar, mandolin and bass all mixed together. Bonzo kicks in to get it all going....but nothing to keep that man from the gallows pole, no silver, gold, or sisters!
35. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - LZ1 - Zeppelin's musical influences were deep in the roots of the blues. And this song truly was a classic. Just a great song of guitar mixes and just raw folk and blues notes. I can just see Jimmy's fingers flying on that guitar. And Plant singing "Don't you hearing it calling me the way it use to do?"
34. Ramble On - LZ2 - Lots of us can relate to this and it has so many great lyrics in it. If not to just say you have to ramble on with your life, go around the world , gotta find my girl. You can really hear Jones play the bass in this one. And shows the bands influence of the Lord of the Rings books. My favorite line: "And tho' our health we drank a thousand times...It's time to ramble on"
33. Heartbreaker - LZ2 - Great guitar riff on this one by Pagey. Great words written by Plant too. "Heartbreaker you time has come!" Everyone rocks out this tune. Bonzo is crisp and Jones is a master on the bass. Pagey on the solo is amazing as always. Truly one of the heaviest songs they ever put out.

31. Bring it on Home - LZ2 - What a bluesy beginning to this hit with Plant on the harmonics and Jonesy laying down a mean bass line. Then get out of the way! Pagey kills it on the guitar and Bonzo bashes his way through the song, until it ends like it began.
30. Your Time Is Gonna Come - LZ1 - Jonesy opening this song up with a solo on the organ is chilling. "Lying, cheating, hurting, that's all you seem to do". What a great line by Plant, tell me that doesn't resonate a moment in every man's life? Great acoustic mix by Pagey and then he also gets that slide guitar in there. A classic (hell they are all classics!)
29. I'm Gonna Crawl - In Through the Out Door - Just knowing that this is the last song on the very last album they recorded before John Bonham's death gives me chills every time I hear it. Truly a perfect ending to their career as they get back to the blues on this one. Page nails one more bluesy guitar riff. Plant at the end, screaming out...wow!
28. Custard Pie - Physical Graffiti - What do you think this song is really about?? "your custard pie...so sweet and nice" Some how coming from this band its not about a desert. This song really sets the ton for the first Album of Physical Graffiti, pure rock and roll. Jonesy a unique sound playing the electric clavinet.
27. When The Levee Breaks - LZ4 - Heads up as the beginning of this song features Bonham mashing his drums! Great sound as his drums were recorded in a stairwell with the mics 3 stories up, giving the echoing feeling. This song is just one big crazy mix that comes together masterfully thanks to the wizardry mixing of one Jimmy Page.
26. Trampled Under Foot - Physical Graffiti - Powerful song about comparing making love to the parts of an automobile. Plant in full throat on this one while Jonesy again hits the organ. Bonzo hammering his drums once again for a great foot tapping beat.
25. Dazed And Confused - LZ1 - The unmistakable opening bass notes by Jonesy begins the journey of a dark and demented song with some of the most amazing guitar riffs and solos. Plant has that deep scream going on this one. While only 6:28 long on the album, this song was clearly the marathon live reaching up to 30 minutes long. Pagey bringing out the bow to create some of the most creepy sounds to ever come out of a guitar.
24. In The Light - Physical Graffiti - Amazing intro to this song with John Paul Jones on the synthesizer, very erry. Then Plant comes in almost chanting the words. When the it finally takes off into the song, Bonzo plays hard, methodical and deliberate. "In the light..everyone needs a light" Truly a beautiful song.
23. Down By The Seaside - Physical Graffiti - The second album of Graffiti certainly had a different feel with some acoustic jams. This one is perfect for being on the water with fine libation and cigar. Has somewhat of a country feel with that slide guitar Jimmy plays, but overall just a completely relaxing song. Not surprising this was written at Bron-yr-Aur but never made it to release until 5 years later on Graffiti

22. Going To California - LZ4 - How I have this song so low is beyond me! Truly a theme song of mine for a very long time with many trips west. Just a great piece with Page and Jones on the acoustic guitars and mandolins. Plant is flawless. This song was also showcased in their acoustic sets live. I can't even highlight my favorite line in the song...then entire set of lyrics is amazing.
21. Bron-Yr-Aur - Physical Graffiti - Just a short song of Jimmy's mixed acoustic guitar playing. But there is something about it that touches me. Jimmy Page was a master on the guitar and you can just hear it on this piece. Plus those of you familiar with the movie Song Remains The Same you know this song in the beginning as they are being driven to the the stadium as Plant squints as the sun light hits his face through the limo.
20. The Battle of Evermore - LZ4 - Just an amazing story telling song with Pagey on the Madolin. Great piece. Once again their J.R.R. Tolkien influence shows in this song with the classic lines "The drums will shake the castle walls. The ring wraiths ride black". Sandy Denny was the guest vocalist on this track and was from a british folk band Fairport Convention.
19. Immigrant Song - LZ3 - Funny that one of their hardest songs is on one of their most acoustic albums. This song just rocks and you can almost see and feel the wind blowing the snow off the ice covered peaks of the mountains. "Hammer of the Gods" "We are your overlords" Some of the lyrics in this song completely defined who Zeppelin was to its fans. Plant opening the song with those chanting screams is chilling.
18. What Is And What Should Never Be - LZ2 - A really cool song with the low blues beat with Plant quietly singing and Jonesy on the bass fires into a heavy rock session with Jimmy kicking in and it goes back and forth. Just another example of the talents this band had. Can't beat the Page bluesy guitar and slide. The end of this song just completely rocks.

16. Whole Lotta Love - LZ2 - Is there a more memorable opening guitar riff then this one? I think not. And wasn't this the staple of every concert encore for them that would turn into medleys and all sorts of crazy jams and Jimmy making some wild sounds with the theremin, the black box he played with on stage moving his hand closer and farther. Chills run down my spine when Plant his that final note "Loooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvveee" and Bonzo hits in on the drums. Powerful song!
15. The Lemon Song - LZ2 - A great rocking blues tune influenced by early blues artist Howlin Wolf and Robert Johnson. The rawness of Jimmy on guitar is great and Jonesy really is slapping that bass. I mean just listen to that guitar solo! Wow. Plant has his deep raspy blues voice on. "I should have quit you babe, such a long time ago." "Squeeze me baby, until the juice runs down my leg" Classic! My topped ranked LZ2 song, beating out Whole Lotta Love.
14. Tangerine - LZ3 - A song about love at its most innocent stage. Jimmy Page is masterful once again on guitar. And the part where he hits in with the whining guitar is truly great. A song that was often played as a semi acoustic set live. A short song but so well put together. These are the songs that give me the chills 1-20.
13. That's The Way - LZ3 - Another great acoustic jam, played live, came right after Tangerine on LZ3. Just love Plants voice and his lyrics on this one. Lots of great songs came from that time on the Wales country side. This one might have been one of the best. Pagey completely kills it on a very mellow but wonderful piece in the Zeppelin catalog.

11. You Shook Me - LZ1 - Oh my god Jimmy! The guitar on this one is incredible. Another blues influenced song that was written by Willie Dixon and played before by Muddy Waters. Man if you want some killer rock blues this one does it complete with Jonesy on the organ as well. Plant gets on the harmonics. And the call and response play between Pagey's guitar and Plant is a classic and would be done again with Dazed and Confused.

9. I Can't Quit You Babe - LZ1 - "So I'm gonna put you down for a while" Pure blues riff here. Just totally grove to it. Bonzo is very strong on this one as he pounds the drums. Nothing is better than Jimmy ripping those blues riffs and Plant screeching out the lyrics! This was the top ranked song from LZ1
8. Nobody's Fault But Mine - Presence - Oh boy, hang on to your hats. Bonzo will knock your socks off on this one! When he takes off after Jimmy and Plant's great intro its all over with! BOOM! Again Pagey and Percy team up for some vocal/guitar play off each other. Robert on the harmonica too as it kicks into an absolute rage of a song. You can just see Bonzo just destroying those skins! A purely powerful song, one of the most powerful songs in the Zeppelin arsenal. This is the top ranked Presence song.
7. No Quarter - Houses of The Holy - Let us take a dark trip to the olden days. This song is very dark and devious about not giving or accepting quarter (mercy). Song gives me chills every time. The way Jimmy plays that guitar and the opening key board play by Jonesy. Then Plant's voice deep and mysterious. Truly a John Paul Jones gem as it features him on the keys. If you get a chance to hear the bootleg "Snow Jobs" a concert in Vancouver in 1975 they completely go into some jazzy jam session. Amazing. "Walking side by side with Death" "The dogs of dome are howling more" This is one of three songs in the top 10 for Houses of The Holy.
6. Ten Years Gone - Physical Graffiti - One of three songs in the Top 10 for Physical Graffiti is another chilling song that any person can take and make the meaning of this song their own. Jimmy played so many Guitar tracks on this one (14 I believe). John Bonham is very powerful but deliberate. You can hear so much feeling in this song and Plant's voice. "Changes fill my time, baby, that's alright with me..In the midst I think of you, and how it use to be" All the lines can make the hairs stand up.
5. Kashmir - Physical Graffiti - What a beginning! This is truly one of the biggest anthems Led Zeppelin produced. The feeling of this song is truly one of a kind. Led Zeppelin at their Musical pinnacle. They even brought in session players to play the strings and horns. This song is about the wasted, wasted, wasted lands. "All I see turns to brown, As the sun burns the ground. And my eyes fill with sand" This piece is truly a master piece. Plant completely kills it with his vocals.

3. Rain Song - Houses of The Holy - Right after they rip into The Song Remains The Same, Rain Song settles everything down. As far as I'm concerned these two songs must always be played together as they did live time and time again. This song is about seasons of love. A nice acoustic jam by Pagey. Jonesy on the Mellotron really gives it a feel of an orchestra. Beautiful song with long musical interludes. "This is the summer of my smile. Flee from me keepers of the gloom." This one completely relaxes you...and then the end...BOOM. Bonzo hits it hard and Plant belts it out! Masterful. The highest ranked song from Houses of The Holy.
2. In My Time Of Dying - Physical Graffiti - Slide guitar please! An almost 11 minute complete jam! My god does Bonzo hammer those drums! A true gem as it starts slow and bluesy and then thunders on as only Zeppelin can do. Jimmy is just masterful in this one. It builds and builds...until it completely explodes into a monstrous rock! One of Bonzo's best songs ever. "Saint Peter at the gates of heaven won't you let me in!" Completely rocks out! Pagey on the guitar is amazing as he mixes and switches them out rocking out! Plant shouting out "Oh my Jesus". A journey and pleading to let them all in the golden gates, even if they..."only wanted to have some fun" Top ranked Physical Graffiti song.

Thank you Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Bonham and John Paul Jones for putting out this and every one of your songs. There will be nothing like them ever again...........
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